Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Lemon Cheesecake

To make this lemon cheesecake we started with the base.
First we had to break up the biscuits, to do this we put the biscuits in a plastic bag and broke them up using a rolling pin:

We mixed the broken biscuit mixture with some melted butter, this is so the butter can act as glue to hold the base together once it has cooled.
We then compacted the mixture into the bottom of a cake tin, creating an even layer to form the base.

The base then went in the fridge whilst we prepared the rest of the cheesecake. 

To make the topping we mixed marscepone cheese with caster sugar:

We then added the zest and the juice of two lemons to the cheese and sugar and mixed really well.

We then spread the mixture over the biscuit base and put back in the fridge to set.

We served the cheesecake with frozen mixed berries that we had heated in a pan for a few minutes.

The cheesecake was a great success and everybody loved it! 

Sea Food Pasta

The group found a recipe for a seafood pasta in a tomato sauce in one of our cookbooks. As some of us do not eat seafood that often we decided to give it a go.

First we finely diced garlic and onion.

We then cooked them down in a little olive oil until they had soften.
To this we added paprika, tinned tomatoes, a little chicken stock and seasoning.
We brought this the boil and added the mixed seafood and simmered for 5 minutes.

We added the pasta to the sauce and then served the dish with fresh parsley and a wedge of lemon. The group enjoyed the pasta but also suggested that adding some chili would improve the flavour.